About Us
Villager Nursery has deep and broad knowledge and experience relevant to High Sierra natives and adapted plants, soils, fertilizers, irrigation, gardening techniques, and much more. We are a retail nursery providing small-landscape and restorations in Truckee and the throughout the Northern Sierras. As avid botanists, naturalists and gardeners with degrees in the biological and horticultural sciences, we specialize in education, native ecosystems, extreme cold-hardy plants, unique and interesting “color”, as well as durable arts and gifts.We’ve been experimenting in our own mountain gardens and landscapes and vicariously through thousands of our clients and friends since 1975
We’re happy to admit that, at home, in the nursery and in our demonstration gardens, (through trials and tests) we’ve killed thousands of “hardy plants” so our clients won’t have to. We are constantly learning and then sharing what we’ve learned. Our local climate and conditions are unusual. Landscaping, gardening and restoration work here can be extraordinarily challenging. The owners’ strong scientific educational backgrounds and their many years of high Sierra experience give Villager Nursery a uniquely powerful ability to anticipate performance, problem-solve and provide an un-matched and necessary service to the entire region.Landscape Design
Bulk Plant Sales
Home-visit Consultation
Landscape Installation
Landscape Construction Supervision
Custom Planters and Hanging Baskets
Wedding Plant Rental
Phone Orders and Deliveries
Design Review and Plant Suggestions
Plant Survey
Development Plant Lists and Design Guidelines
Gardening Talks and Guest Lectures
Custom Wildflower, Restoration and Pasture Seed Mixtures
We’re active in the community in environmental education. Our public service is extensive. We’ve worked with the school district, individual classes, community gardens and parks as well as garden clubs on many projects. We’ve been involved with the Truckee River Watershed, local Land Trusts and the Town of Truckee in many capacities as consultants, planners, crew leaders or laborers.
We have close associations with several respected local landscaping companies and good relationships with outstanding regional nurseries as well. Villager Nursery is highly regarded by educated nurserymen, arborists and experts in related fields and we maintain the highest moral, ethical and professional standards.

Mountain Garden & Landscaping Services
Villager Nursery offers Expert Gardening Talks, Horticultural Demonstrations, Wildflower Hikes, Historical Walks, Volunteer Opportunities and Passionate Mountain Gardening Conversation. We currently advise and consult on a wide variety of botanical, horticultural, arboricultural, agricultural, environmental restoration and revegetation issues for individual, businesses, subdivisions, institutions and agencies. We provide construction supervision and maintain a landscape division that serves clients from Kirkwood to Sierra City. We have been landscape contractors since 1977 with over 500 commercial, residential and government projects in our portfolio. We offer Home-Visit and Site Consultations as well as Landscaping and Planting Services.Mission
Our purpose, as always, is to remain the primary source for honest and reliable high-Sierra gardening information while offering the widest and most interesting variety of native, extreme climate and cold hardy plants, as well as the best organic fertilizers and appropriate soil amendments available.
Our hope is to give our clients everything they need to succeed and find satisfaction in their mountain planters, gardens and landscapes.
Villager Nursery supports California Native Plant Society’s mission of “conserving California native plants and their natural habitats, and increasing understanding, appreciation, and horticultural use of native plants … through education, plant science, advocacy, land stewardship and native plant gardening.”
Villager Nursery is a relaxed and intriguing retail space with instructive and inviting pathways through demonstration gardens with art, pottery, and an astounding display of the best plants available for our challenging conditions. Owners and staff are people who love plants, who care about their coworkers’, friends’ and clients’ successes and who graciously share their knowledge. We maintain and modify our gardens and plant selections as our gardens grow and our clients’ interests evolve. We reduce water use, recycle, use only natural and organic fertilizers and pest controls. We collect seed and experiment with the widest variety of locally native plants to offer and use them whenever possible. We provide the best plants, adapted to our harsh conditions, for every situation. We continue to learn and to use every opportunity to educate each other, our customers and anyone curious or interested.