Not everyone needs lawn or even a meadow or mowed pasture. 
For many people, a completely wild (but managed for defensible space) landscape is perfect.
Lawns provide a cool and clean outdoor room or playground for children and pets summer through fall.
• Lawn is a natural filter, purifying water passing through the leaves and roots collecting dust and other airborne pollutants.
• Lawns have the cooling effect of air conditioners.
• 2500 sq. ft. of turf grass releases enough oxygen for a family of 4, every day.
• On hot days, turf areas can be 15-30ºF cooler than decks, patios, shrub beds, driveways, and walkways.
• Lawns provide the most consistent clear defensible space.
• Bluegrass, in good soil, organically fed, and smartly irrigated can be one of the most sustainable plants in your landscape. No other single plant can provide as many environmental benefits.
But with poor lawn stewardship:
• According to the US Water Resources Council, poor lawn watering, swimming pools and automobile washing activities combined account for 27.5% of household total water usage.

When I planted my lawn, I intended for it to be an environmental benefit (not a Scotts chemical junkie). With bluegrass & fine fescue, I planted clover, veronica, violets, spring bulbs, english daisies & more.  I am well aware of the dangers of chemical fertilizers and broadleaf herbicides to children and pets and I was determined to avoid them from the start.

Lawn Installation and Maintenance 2022.pdf Info Sheet

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