Seasonal Notes
Through mid-winter, we remain open a few days a week. Someone is usually here, IN the shop, most weekdays (paperwork, plants, cats, all need attention). We don't want to let anyone down, so if you need something (plant, product, plans, bids, or consulting) or have questions, PLEASE send-us an e-mail as we check them almost every evening. We'll usually get back to you in a day or two or as soon as we possibly can. You can also call and leave a voice message at 530-587-0771. contact us -
We begin to open with more expanded regular business hours, a few days a week, in March.
We are a "Garden, Plant, and Soils" sort of shop full of healthy indoor and tropical houseplants, bulbs, indoor gardening gear, pottery, potting soils, organic fertilizers and nutrients, as well as seeds and seed-sprouting supplies. We also have every gardener's favorite present: gift certificates from your experienced local garden center.
Our hours change with the climatic seasons - always weather permitting. (Call ahead if it is dumping snow, if the exodus traffic is heinous, or if we've got pea-soup smoke, just-in-case we've gone home.) We change the hours here (on the website) and on independent Google, Yelp, Bing, Nextdoor, Tripadvisor, and Facebook sites. Apple gets its info "elsewhere", even apple is unsure where, so Apple Maps and Siri usually have wrong hours, for every business, ALL the time.
Check Instagram or Facebook or the references page on this website for updates, informational sheets, class hand-outs and calendar updates.
Villager Nursery Garden Center has been serving Truckee, Tahoe, and regional high Sierra mountain plant lovers, landscapers and gardeners for 50 years. Villager Florist started in the original Gateway Center (next to the Gateway Motel) in 1951 (74 yrs). In 1975 (50 yrs) Jeanette Harper purchased the Villager Florist and added outdoor plants to the mix (becoming Villager Nursery). We relinquished the florist in 1996 to focus exclusively on the extreme winter-hardy plants, native plants, summer color and vegetables, and landscape suppies. In 1999 we moved to nursery to The home of Varney Dairy / McIver Dairy / Villager Nursery. The House was build in 1867 and the Shop (a blacksmith and then auto shop) was built in the 1930's. We are the third owners of the structures on this land.
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Your email address will never be given nor sold to any other person or company.
Contact Us
Email Us or call (530) 587-0771!
Join Our Team!
Education / classes applicable to retail nursery work.
Nursery Experience:
Previous greenhouse, nursery or landscape work experience…
Yard and Garden Experience:
Gardening or landscaping in your own yard, helping family or friends…
Sales / People Experience:
Previous sales, customer service, cashiering, teaching. languages beyond English?
Native / Backcountry Experience:
Wildflower, tree, shrub and/or wildlife identification…
Planning / Organizing Experience:
Event / party planning, meeting organization, seminar logistics, details…
Merchandising / Marketing / Advertising Experience:
Any work, professional or volunteer experience with creating beautiful sales environments…
Volunteer Experience:
Community service, programs or events you participate in…
Other Interests:
Passions, hobbies, music, sports, painting, fishing, etc… Computer applications you’ve mastered. PC / Mac?
What do you know about us and why do you think you’d like to work here?
Ability / Agility – Essential.
Are you physically able to lift and carry 50# trees & soils? Driving experience and record good?

Garden Resources
- We have gathered many important pieces of information regarding planting in our area. Click the button below to view our Garden Resources and Villager Archives
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you deliver plants?
We will deliver plants to nearby locations through the week as availability accommodates. 2 days a week, depending on the time of year, we will deliver further into the Tahoe Basin.
Will you landscape?
We have been landscape contractors since 1977 with over 500 commercial, residential and government projects in our portfolio.
When is the best time to plant?
The sooner you plant the sooner roots associations / rhizosphere root system expansion and nutrient-uptake begin to occur
“Put a two dollar tree in a ten dollar hole. Don’t put a ten dollar tree in a two dollar hole”
Can I order specific plants?
We do our best to accommodate special orders. We have dozens of growers throughout the western US that we love and regularly work with. We do our best to have a tremendously wide variety of all the plants that thrive in this challenging climate but we are always interested in the experiences and experiments of others… we all can learn.
Do you give classes?
We offer classes at the nursery in early spring and late summer on a wide variety of subjects. see list. We also often speak at garden clubs, master gardener trainings and semi-annually we offer spring and fall Mountain Gardening classes at Sierra College.
Do you have Gift Cards?
We do. In the shop, for ANY value you choose. On-line for pre-selected values,