Boisterous Bumble Bee article from CNPS archive – worth a read

Boisterous Bumble Bee article from CNPS archive – worth a read

In the 2002 July-October V30 3/4 Issue of FREMONTIA – a journal of the California Native Plant Society, there was a terrific article by Robbin W. Thorp, Peter C. Schroeder, and Carol S. Ferguson: Bumble Bees: Boisterous Pollinators of California Native Flowers....
15th Annual Kellogg Planting Days 2024

15th Annual Kellogg Planting Days 2024

Kellogg / G&B 15th Annual Free Planting Days Join us FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, May 31 & June 1, 10 AM-2:30 PM. Create colorful flower baskets and bountiful herb pots to enjoy all season. Here’s how it works… 1. You purchase the flower, herb or veggie plants...
Fire-Resistive Landscaping in Truckee / Tahoe

Fire-Resistive Landscaping in Truckee / Tahoe

We desperately need fuels reduction work throughout and all around our community. USFS and Tahoe Donner have been doing some terrific projects in quite a few outlying, surrounding locations but we need a great deal IN town, especially open spaces and public lands....
Are We Essential?

Are We Essential?

April in Truckee and Tahoe teases us. While it is a GREAT time to plant wildflowers, hardy vegetables and herbs, over-wintered dormant plants from the nursery, it is too cold to bring in trees and shrubs from warmer climes that have leaves. April’s average...

Rain on Snow

What a year, weather-wise. It finally stopped snowing in late June and we had snow and lows in the single digits by early September. November was largely kind of nice, for a winter month. When we received snows they were very cold. Unless you turned your irrigation...

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